Trailer: Episode 5 with Mona Obedoza

Trailer: Episode 5 with Mona Obedoza
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Sneak Peek of our chat with Mona Obedoza, hosted by Georgi Ker and Tereza Iofciu.

Learn about Mona’s journey. She started learning to code at five years old by making video games using Scratch and Python. Even though Mona is still in high school, she is already a frequent public speaker at Python and tech conferences, and is inspiring other kids to code.

Full episode is coming on July 24, 2024! Subscribe to our podcast now!

Get to know Mona Obedoza

Mona Obedoza

Mona Obedoza

Mona Obedoza is a Filipino high schooler and aspiring AI engineer who advocates teaching kids how to code through her roles as a student ambassador for Women in AI PH, co-leader of her school's Girls Can Code club, and founder of The Purposeful Mochii. In her free time, she enjoys watching anime, reading manga and fantasy novels, and baking cookies.

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