Episode 7: with Anna Makarudze
- Cheuk
- Mariatta
- Anna Makarudze
- November 27, 2024
We interviewed Anna Makarudze from Zimbabwe to hear about her inspiring journey.
Since discovering Python and Django in 2015, Anna has been actively involved in the Django community. She helped organize PyCon Zimbabwe, and she has coached at Django Girls in Harare and Windhoek.
She served on the Board of Directors at Django Software Foundation for five years, and she is currently a Django Girls Foundation Trustee & Fundraising Coordinator.
During her journey in tech, Anna became aware of the lack of representation of women in tech industry, something that became more evident as she attended Django Under the Hood in 2016 where most of the attendees were white men, and only a few are women. That’s when she realized the importance of communities like Django Girls in supporting more women in the Django Community.
In this chat, Anna shared ways on how you can contribute and help support Django Girls+ Foundation.
She is currently studying her master’s degree in Blekinge Institute of Technology in Karlskrona, Sweden.
Be sure to listen to the episode to learn all about Anna’s inspiring story!
Topic discussed
- Introductions
- Her role in Django Girls+ Foundation
- Moving from Zimbabwe to Sweden, and adjusting to her new life
- Django Girls tutorials and website
- How to contribute to Django Girls website
- Discovering Python, Flask, and Django in 2015
- Attending Django Under the Hood in 2016
- Representation of women in tech
- The role of Django Girls+ in tech
- How to help and support Django Girls+
- What to expect from Django Girls+ in 2025 onwards
Links from the show
- Django Girls+: https://djangogirls.org/en/
- Blekinge Institute of Technology: https://bth.se/
- Muzinda Hub: https://x.com/muzindahub
- Treehouse: https://teamtreehouse.com/
- Django Software Foundation: https://www.djangoproject.com/foundation/
- Django Under the Hood: https://djangounderthehood.com/
Links from Django Girls+
Coach at an event: https://coach.djangogirls.org/
Organize an event: https://organize.djangogirls.org/
Work on the website: https://github.com/DjangoGirls/djangogirls
Contribute to our resources:
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Donate to us:
For corporate companies: https://djangogirls.org/en/donate/
Get to know Anna Makarudze

Anna Makarudze
Anna Makarudze is a Software Engineer based in Harare. She has been working as the Django Girls Foundation Fundraising Coordinator since June 2017. She has also taken up the role of lead maintainer of the Django Girls website and resources since August 2020, when she became one of the members of the Board of Trustees for Django Girls Foundation. Anna is a former Django Software Foundation board member, having served on the DSF board for 5 years from 2018 to 2022 in the roles of Director, Vice President and President. She has organised PyCon Zimbabwe 2016/2017, DjangoCon Europe 2018, DjangoCon Africa 2023 and several Django Girls events in Harare, Masvingo, Heidelberg and Zanzibar. She has also spoken at many Python conferences and DjangoCons around the world.
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